Who Is Stand In?

When Randall can’t play? Who is stand in? Who? Out of everybody playing. DJ STORM No further comment. Please see: DJ Storm, Du Är Död Nu Brursan! and The Vandal.

BM Blue Or Welcome To The Ultimate Video Game

Broadmeadow – here, there are cameras everywhere (but you can count them in any subway car or on any bus too, don’t miss the stereoscopic ones (3D), there are several of them in the roof. Look for the black plates and look closely, you’ll see two digital eyes staring right back at you), can you… Continue reading BM Blue Or Welcome To The Ultimate Video Game

Eighteenhundredandtwo Or 于2024年5月29日周三 23:59写道

Written on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 23:59. This is post; number: 1802. Detta är inlägg; nummer: 1802. C’est la poste ; nombre : 1802. Dette er indlæg; nummer: 1802. Esta es la publicación; número: 1802. Это сообщение; номер: 1802. 這是帖子; 數量:1802。 Þetta er póstur; númer: 1802. Ово је пост; број: 1802. Esta é a… Continue reading Eighteenhundredandtwo Or 于2024年5月29日周三 23:59写道

Just In Perspective…

If you would happen to search for the keyword: in numerals from “2002” to “2025”? Right here, @resurface.se at this date-time 08/05/2024? Right now; what will you find? Action type: enter numerals (at the bottom of the page): any number from 2002 to 2025. That’s about twenty years of text about very specific music. Let’s… Continue reading Just In Perspective…

From An Actual One?

This an actual prediction found in a fortune cookie (it is an interesting read; mind you it is from a Wikipedia source. I’m a huge fan and supporter. Yet, it epitomizes the ups and downs of the internet.) from a Chinese restaurant at a nondescript location in Sweden, well, actually the Swedish metropolis Västerås. Chacun… Continue reading From An Actual One?

Into/From The Subway

The entrance was (it still is) inside the subway station. People came from two directions; either from the street or from inside the subway. The cue did reach the subway station hall thru the doors to the actual station (one photo missing) at times. – Noooo way! Honest. Coming downstairs (from the south) and up… Continue reading Into/From The Subway

Push Up Da Lighta!

For those who do know… me brethren and sistas! They say: Metalheadz is turning 30… this a-year (2024) apparently. Fire + Fijaka!