The Network

It needs to be stable and secure. Is it under control? Yes, is it suppressed? Unclear. Hours later; system checking it an entire day? Do we know? Have we identified the source of disturbance? In part. Not completely. Breach? No. There’s new information. However, 8212 is still analysing. Where’re getting there. Slowly, but surely. Are… Continue reading The Network

BM Blue Or Welcome To The Ultimate Video Game

Broadmeadow – here, there are cameras everywhere (but you can count them in any subway car or on any bus too, don’t miss the stereoscopic ones (3D), there are several of them in the roof. Look for the black plates and look closely, you’ll see two digital eyes staring right back at you), can you… Continue reading BM Blue Or Welcome To The Ultimate Video Game


On track… the platform is more elevated than you might think standing on it rather than the track itself… You should try it sometime or maybe just don’t. Is it a camera-stick? What is the perspective? A “drone”, please it would have been moving pictures, right? It is front facing, looking into the phone camera’s… Continue reading Reprise

Into/From The Subway

The entrance was (it still is) inside the subway station. People came from two directions; either from the street or from inside the subway. The cue did reach the subway station hall thru the doors to the actual station (one photo missing) at times. – Noooo way! Honest. Coming downstairs (from the south) and up… Continue reading Into/From The Subway

Instant Rwd!

The… f i r e ! This must be one of the best drum’n’bass tracks ever produced: Burn Bright by: Dom & Roland. D + R destroying it, as per usual. The stab, the compression (sucking out all the breathable air), the furious breaks and the gnarly/growling bass-line. Is it going to attack me? The… Continue reading Instant Rwd!


Gob is the title of the track. What is CAB? Cardiac Arrest Breaks; pössible unlawful use of breaks that may cause a heart failure or distress when playing or dancing to them… Ref.: Roel Funcken – Gob and Roel Funcken, Gob [FUNCK’D EXCLUSIVE – NONE, 2024].

Anthony Rother, Robo Pop [ PSI49NET – none, 2023 ]

There’s plenty to say; however this will suffice: IN 3L3C7RO WE TRUST © 2023 PSI49NET More words? The cover art is exceptionally good. They do have different hairdos don’t they? If that’s not attention to detail I honestly don’t know what is. I’m sure that I’ve met her professionally, but she was not a blond…… Continue reading Anthony Rother, Robo Pop [ PSI49NET – none, 2023 ]