Analogue Instruments: – Wow, there are many, many buttons… Is that AI? – No. It is not. No. – Why? – Because AI does not exist yet. You need to look at the history and the definition. You need to look at what Turing et al. set out to do. RAI (Real Artificial Intelligence), not… Continue reading Analogue Instruments
Category: Science
Simply Put? Don’t Question It.
Trust science* and accept this one fact: No one (human being) knows everything. It is not a question of time, technique or technology. It is the in-between that matters, the “soul/love” as it where and that is another question altogether; in art? Like the core of music. The one that is stretching over decades (10… Continue reading Simply Put? Don’t Question It.
The Road I
Many, many, many times and yet once was indeed the first time… I remember it clearly; the very first time – was a long, long, long time ago. A starless sky was before me, and no geo-tracking* should ever bestowed upon thee’. * If the photographs are indeed geo-trackable please write to: Contact (because it… Continue reading The Road I
It Was Snowing (Climate Chg Is A Hoax IV?)
NYE 2025 AD (i vår tidräkning… “ivt”. +1000 år men ska alla bli glada så…). A proper snowstorm and then it started raining hard. Not on the very night and not on that day (a bit later). I’ve never seen anything like it and at this time of year? Impossible before the “The Happening” it… Continue reading It Was Snowing (Climate Chg Is A Hoax IV?)
They Used To Be Ridiculous, Problematic Or Intriguing, Yet Predicted By Theory
When I was a little they were pure theory and somewhat ridiculous cosmological objects, they were pure fantasy even when I grew older. They remained a theoretic consequence, not real, not really; Black Holes. They did not exist when I was young. Then again background radiation and supersonic flight are novelties as well. They are… Continue reading They Used To Be Ridiculous, Problematic Or Intriguing, Yet Predicted By Theory
Let’s Visit, Grindavik! II
Fire + Brimstone + Aurora Borealis + Meteor + Moon (out of shot)! Ref. Live from the Grindavik Eruption. Ref. Afar’s Live Feed. Please see: Let’s Geldingadalir! series and Visit Iceland.
Let’s Visit, Grindavik!
Fire + Brimstone + Moon + Aurora Borealis! Ref. Live from the Grindavik Eruption. Ref. Afar’s Live Feed. Please see: Let’s Geldingadalir! series and Visit Iceland.
Few Remaining…
…the radical positivist line that science is the basis of knowledge; that it is empirical; and that non-empirical enterprises are either logic or nonsense. Ref.: Paul Feyerabend. – What about quantum physics etc.*? – All of it is still empirical; we still need to build the machines and we still need to measure (gravitational waves…… Continue reading Few Remaining…
We Are Lacking Energy?
Really? How is that even possible!!? It’s right there, beneath our feet, straight from the underground. An unlimited heat source (roughly 4 or 5 billions years or so to go, Tellus (Earth) is already that old and until Helios (our Sun) runs out of fuel 1H (Hydrogen); we got plenty of H2O (water). What is… Continue reading We Are Lacking Energy?
Mäster Är Mäster
“Är det inte din egen kasse*?” – Jo. “Har du inte plockat din egen kasse?” – Jo, det har jag gjort. “Då spelar du din egen kasse.” “Lyssna på mig. Vi släpar inte omkring hur som helst… kassen? Det är din kasse, ihopsatt, sen går du ut och spelar din kasse. Eller hur? Så? Spela… Continue reading Mäster Är Mäster