The Road I

Many, many, many times and yet once was indeed the first time… I remember it clearly; the very first time – was a long, long, long time ago. A starless sky was before me, and no geo-tracking* should ever bestowed upon thee’. * If the photographs are indeed geo-trackable please write to: Contact (because it… Continue reading The Road I

They Used To Be Ridiculous, Problematic Or Intriguing, Yet Predicted By Theory

When I was a little they were pure theory and somewhat ridiculous cosmological objects, they were pure fantasy even when I grew older. They remained a theoretic consequence, not real, not really; Black Holes. They did not exist when I was young. Then again background radiation and supersonic flight are novelties as well. They are… Continue reading They Used To Be Ridiculous, Problematic Or Intriguing, Yet Predicted By Theory

Few Remaining…

…the radical positivist line that science is the basis of knowledge; that it is empirical; and that non-empirical enterprises are either logic or nonsense. Ref.: Paul Feyerabend. – What about quantum physics etc.*? – All of it is still empirical; we still need to build the machines and we still need to measure (gravitational waves…… Continue reading Few Remaining…

Mäster Är Mäster

“Är det inte din egen kasse*?” – Jo. “Har du inte plockat din egen kasse?” – Jo, det har jag gjort. “Då spelar du din egen kasse.” “Lyssna på mig. Vi släpar inte omkring hur som helst… kassen? Det är din kasse, ihopsatt, sen går du ut och spelar din kasse. Eller hur? Så? Spela… Continue reading Mäster Är Mäster