Mäster Är Mäster

“Är det inte din egen kasse*?” – Jo. “Har du inte plockat din egen kasse?” – Jo, det har jag gjort. “Då spelar du din egen kasse.” “Lyssna på mig. Vi släpar inte omkring hur som helst… kassen? Det är din kasse, ihopsatt, sen går du ut och spelar din kasse. Eller hur? Så? Spela… Continue reading Mäster Är Mäster

It’s Just Business!?

If you want really, really clean, really really fast (in Eskilstuna)? Dichloromethane (DCM), CH2Cl2, would be the obvious choice. It’s use is forbidden since 1996, however you can get an exception… Given that option, certain, non-disclosed, and mitigating circumstances. You get the (right) papers, all is in order? It’s just business, right? The name is… Continue reading It’s Just Business!?

Mother II*

I’ve never ever seen that error msg before… I’ve been here a long time, long time… it’s really odd, it needs investigation. But, if I’m really of interest? Then I’ve more than succeeded and indeed winning. The Wolf is not really afraid of the little (shivering) sheep… or not? The actual World is obsessed by… Continue reading Mother II*

Killing Me Softly Or What Was Zhong Hua Min Guo Now Again?

In January, China implemented a law which requires schools, including those in Hong Kong, to include “patriotic education” in their curriculum and companies to do the same in their operations. The definition is vague but the curriculum is meant to promote the leadership and ideology of the Chinese Communist Party. We did nothing, absolutely nothing… Continue reading Killing Me Softly Or What Was Zhong Hua Min Guo Now Again?

Who Is Stand In?

When Randall can’t play? Who is stand in? Who? Out of everybody playing. DJ STORM No further comment. Please see: DJ Storm, Du Är Död Nu Brursan! and The Vandal.

Not Just About HK

No comment. We are failing them… democracy now! For everyone on planet Earth. In Xinjiang for the Uygur people (whoever they are). Freedom, that is every human’s right. There’s 1 000 000 or two millions (2 000 000) humans in camps? 2024? I thought we was done with concentrated camps…? Ref.: BBC. Please see: Article… Continue reading Not Just About HK

A Spectacular Sunset?

…or is it getting hot inhere? One place is Ruidoso, New Mexico, U.S.A another is Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Image courtesy of: Pamela L Bonner Ref.: Villagers ‘scared to death’ by New Mexico wildfires; the BBC.

It’s Just A Number?

No it is not just a number; 8212… it is of significance; representing something very personal, it has a specific meaning, contextual and actual real-life meaning and it will be revealed in due time. Any inquiries? What-so-ever? Please do write to: 8 2 1 2 @ resurface.se. Reply is guaranteed… “Try it, you might just… Continue reading It’s Just A Number?