This music took decades to construct and this is not the first entry. The ever romantic, machine romantic… Plz. Play it. Again.* Ref.: Cold Summer/Full Moon. Please see: D+R and Dom & Roland. “Roland? Is impossible. You know, he’s on the guest list every time. Roland + 1 and he simply never shows up. Ever?… Continue reading Cold Summer | D+R
Category: Music
Doc Scott Once Told Me
– What about the future, the pace, will it last? – Drum’n’Bass will never Die. Don’t worry mate. That was a very long, long, long time ago. Troubled times, another of the greatest is lost: DJ Randall. Unbelievable loss. …we all need to look FWD. Metalheadz is turning 30! Celebrate the music. Future Jazz!
A Third Party
Someone or somebody had has enough of the musical abuse going on in this house. Who? I don’t know, someone that is not tone-def and don’t care all about out-of-tune whistling 24/7. The “Old country southern memories, songs tormenting everybody. It’s 2024 and this tormentil needs to stop… Over-laying? Heroism. Good job!
A Lifetime Dedicated
…to the music. Always and for ever… The time past… Please see: I Refuse To Believe That.
I Refuse To Believe That
The “R” as in DJ Randall passed away? Has left us? That simply can’t be true… Please see: We Are Just Waiting For The “R”.
Vad Ska Man Lyssna På? Just Nu! This Is It…
Polisen eller regimen? Jag tror inte det. Nu, nu, nu, du ska lyssna på: V. Byman. Men vi kanske säger och spelar Ivy Lab – Peanut, kanske ur kassen? Nääe, vi spelar Byman. Vi spelar V. Byman idag. Source: Byman.
Mäster Är Mäster
“Är det inte din egen kasse*?” – Jo. “Har du inte plockat din egen kasse?” – Jo, det har jag gjort. “Då spelar du din egen kasse.” “Lyssna på mig. Vi släpar inte omkring hur som helst… kassen? Det är din kasse, ihopsatt, sen går du ut och spelar din kasse. Eller hur? Så? Spela… Continue reading Mäster Är Mäster
MC:s And The Sound Check
– Will there be MC:s? How many? – Yes, unfortunately there will be. At least two, more likely three. – Any good? – They’re MC:s… – MC:s, I mean do we really need them? – No. But it’s not my call. I don’t get to decide. – I understand. – Is it sounding alright? –… Continue reading MC:s And The Sound Check
Who Is Stand In?
When Randall can’t play? Who is stand in? Who? Out of everybody playing. DJ STORM No further comment. Please see: DJ Storm, Du Är Död Nu Brursan! and The Vandal.
Time Machine Or The Vandal
Published, unpublished and now published again: 2024/06/28. We Are Just Waiting For The “R” Please see: Randall The Vandal and Who?