Killing Me Softly Or What Was Zhong Hua Min Guo Now Again?

In January, China implemented a law which requires schools, including those in Hong Kong, to include “patriotic education” in their curriculum and companies to do the same in their operations. The definition is vague but the curriculum is meant to promote the leadership and ideology of the Chinese Communist Party. We did nothing, absolutely nothing… Continue reading Killing Me Softly Or What Was Zhong Hua Min Guo Now Again?

Article 23

So, four years later it turns out that the 66 articles did not suffice… Support a Free HK! Source: BBC I and BBC II. Flag: Victoria Store Hong Kong and Lee Hon Kong Kit. Image credit: Reuters

RIP HK 2020-06-30 23:00 (GMT+8)

Please remember this day… The details of the law’s 66 articles were kept secret until after it was passed. It criminalises any act of: secession – breaking away from the country subversion – undermining the power or authority of the central government terrorism – using violence or intimidation against people collusion with foreign or external… Continue reading RIP HK 2020-06-30 23:00 (GMT+8)