The North Star.

VOL. I NO. I. ROCHESTER, N.Y, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1847. RIGHT IS OF NO SEX — TRUTH IS OF NO COLOR — GOD IS THE FATHER OF US ALL, AND WE ARE BRETHREN. The above was the 1847 motto of the newspaper. “The North Star, antislavery newspaper published by African American abolitionist Frederick Douglass. First… Continue reading The North Star.

Left Behind XLVI

It always makes me wonder. What happened the instant before someone decided “- I’m not wearing these shoes no more this day/night!”. Did a spare pair exist somewhere or did nature have its causal way? In the series…

It’s Just Wrong XIII

Look or don’t chaos @Slussen. Stockholm. Sweden. 20250119 02:21:41. The pigeon was completely innocent and then came the security guards, outside I counted three or possible four. Inside? I lost count + 10 or more… Please see: It’s Just Wrong and Golden Tower Cranes (GTC).

They Used To Be Ridiculous, Problematic Or Intriguing, Yet Predicted By Theory

When I was a little they were pure theory and somewhat ridiculous cosmological objects, they were pure fantasy even when I grew older. They remained a theoretic consequence, not real, not really; Black Holes. They did not exist when I was young. Then again background radiation and supersonic flight are novelties as well. They are… Continue reading They Used To Be Ridiculous, Problematic Or Intriguing, Yet Predicted By Theory

Left Behind XLV

It always makes me wonder. What happened the instant before someone decided “- I’m not wearing these shoes no more this day/night!”. Did a spare pair exist somewhere or did nature have its causal way? In the series…