The Network

It needs to be stable and secure. Is it under control? Yes, is it suppressed? Unclear. Hours later; system checking it an entire day? Do we know? Have we identified the source of disturbance? In part. Not completely. Breach? No. There’s new information. However, 8212 is still analysing. Where’re getting there. Slowly, but surely. Are… Continue reading The Network

BM Blue Or Welcome To The Ultimate Video Game

Broadmeadow – here, there are cameras everywhere (but you can count them in any subway car or on any bus too, don’t miss the stereoscopic ones (3D), there are several of them in the roof. Look for the black plates and look closely, you’ll see two digital eyes staring right back at you), can you… Continue reading BM Blue Or Welcome To The Ultimate Video Game

Reprise II

No picture? Na, just the two year old link (dropped the “future” tag): The Glow. This one? It is published post number: 1797. There are some drafts and the odd private post, but the only number that really count? The published ones. Today? Three from 1800 posts…


The Model of “Made in China” Magnetizes Many New Fans in Developed Countries. A message from: SAIC Motor Corp., Ltd.* (formerly Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation), July 4th, 2018. Apparently there are between: 100 – 500 EV (Electric Vehicle) manufactures in China. Think about it… long and hard. I might, I just might fancy a Xiaomi… Continue reading +200?