Bobby Did It (Spanish Fly)

I’m just saying… RZA As Bobby Digital ‎– In Stereo, “Kiss Of A Black Widow” featuring none-other than ODB, (RIP, 1968-2004). – Do I lock on beyond the break? This is hip-hop (East-Coast anno 1998) and you need to understand that. It is: 8-bit sample, drum machine and rhymes. It is based/infused in the minimal… Continue reading Bobby Did It (Spanish Fly)

I Am Strangely Affected

Yes, it is yet another loss… yet, another funeral and one being remotely situated in time, and I am strangely affected. Why is that? I’m not entirely sure and I am indeed somewhat surprised of it being like so. I would not have thought so. I’m holding a wake of some sort and that is… Continue reading I Am Strangely Affected

D’où Je Viens IX

Once again, surprisingly (it is a contradiction) mature and cocktail-bossa-infused-serious jazz being played at the venue. It happens to be an autumn Sunday night, it has been the case more than one previous night, i.e. it is far from being an co-incidence. And the little black bear (my black steel stead) is waiting trustworthy; as… Continue reading D’où Je Viens IX

Damn You A.Rother!

PSI49NET 104 by Anthony Rother and the track “Inner Space Odyssey”? It is complicating my life as we speak. And I don’t even want to talk about: “Bilocation”. In my mind it is impossible that A.Rother has not heard: the mighty Jaques Lueder or Inigo Kennedy on Cutting Pleasure. Related: The Jönköping shuffle. Not heard… Continue reading Damn You A.Rother!

Destination? Out-And-About…

Previous evening’s company? AC, Fabio & Grooverider on the unstoppable: Of course, off course, and of course on course. “Let It Go!” on Twisted Individual’s label Grid Recordings. I am speechless (it is a an uncommon state, believe it or not). The unconditional love for drum’n’bass? – Are you some kind of fanatic? –… Continue reading Destination? Out-And-About…