They’re Destroying Everything (In A Good Way)

Yesterday it was 66 and now it is 86? I just got nice close shave. Push on! Max Kanding also deserves support. Tench himself just said so… – How is this: Photograph, D.Angas, M.Kanding, A.Rother, VLC and C.Finlow remotely related? They’re not really are they? To my mind they most definitely are. Text is readily… Continue reading They’re Destroying Everything (In A Good Way)

A Sharp Tool

I’m always a bit scared when ever using a box-cutter. I’ve seen (felt) a very long scar (not mine) in the palm of the hand, because if you slip while using a new/sharp blade? I’ve cut straight through a concrete floor with ease. Serious, ridiculous sharp steel tools. I missed (a little) and then I… Continue reading A Sharp Tool

Pretend It Doesn’t Matter

Good Luck with all of that. I am just saying what I have always been saying. This is what matters: Crushed. Period. (.). That is the culture. Bass culture. That’s 2 (two) bagged and in the bag for you and me. 2021 is going to be a stellar year! Like any other, trust me. –… Continue reading Pretend It Doesn’t Matter

It Is Spelled Experience

My grandmother lived to be 101 years old*. Bless her soul! She was a kind, warm and extremely funny (intelligent) person. At the end of her long life she told me and my little sister the most fantastic stories. You can guess if we were surprised when she recanted** the following story. Experience defined, dignified… Continue reading It Is Spelled Experience

Fingers In The Air

Har du någonsin haft fingrarna i luften? Någonsin? Vad?!!! = Have you ever had your fingers in the air? Ever? What?!!! Ja, men har du det eller (inte)? Bass Culture. Foreverness. Drum’n’Bass. When you are overwhelmed by emotion+ You are supposed to be “in control”, but you are from that and you feel free. You… Continue reading Fingers In The Air

I’ll Be Damned If I Do And Damned If I Don’t

Again? History? That is D+R? M**** F****! Album: Lost in the Moment. Track in question? Replicate. For the record this is absolutely not my favourite track at all. My favourite track is: Hunter and I would have bought the entire thing solely because of that single track. Why? That is basically crazy! However, 25 years… Continue reading I’ll Be Damned If I Do And Damned If I Don’t