Lighta Was Before The Phone

No comment. Double-back though… Lighta Was Before The Phone…, so there you have it. The official connection. You know who I be. Err, Helas! No! Not today. You will have to find the connexion on your d**n self.

Instant Rwd!

The… f i r e ! This must be one of the best drum’n’bass tracks ever produced: Burn Bright by: Dom & Roland. D + R destroying it, as per usual. The stab, the compression (sucking out all the breathable air), the furious breaks and the gnarly/growling bass-line. Is it going to attack me? The… Continue reading Instant Rwd!

Living In The Future

In the misery? I have the best; the unique and wonderful music; iconic in this World. I own it and know what it is. My music collection and my friends. That is… my life. Your everyday meal may be more important. No judgement. If you are impoverished. Eggs? Art will enhance you. It will empower… Continue reading Living In The Future

Aim High

Ref.: TV Series: Guilt, 2023. Please see: That’s Who We’re Dealing With.

Was It Straight Forward?

– Was It Straight Forward? – Is it ever? – You look like you’ve been trough a mangle. – I’m not much of a driver. Ref.: TV Series: Guilt, 2023. Please see: I Think My Academic Career.

What Is He Doing Here?

– Shit. Shit! – Kenny. What is he doing here? – Who is he? – A lunatic. – He doesn’t look like much. – Many have had that thought. It did not turn out that well for them. – There’s four to us and one of him. – It doesn’t really work like that… –… Continue reading What Is He Doing Here?

I Think My Academic Career

I live in a mad woman’s house, trying to get twenty grand out of a crook to pay of a gangster. I think my academic career is looking a wee bit shaky. Ref.: TV Series: Guilt, 2023. Please see: That Is A Lonely Place To Be.