Då Får Jag Väl “Rota Leda På” Den!?

Linguistics I guess. It happens at times… Bon Sang! I reverse the letters. I would really like to know the actual neuro-mechanism behind it all.

– What is this now again?
– Bear with me, if you will.

Rota leda på
Leta reda på…

“Rota leda på…” doesn’t have an actual meaning in the Swedish language at all. What I meant or was meaning to say was actually: “Leta reda på”, which on the other hand most definitely have a sense and a meaning in Swedish. It is even a complete and correct sentence (apart from the missing punctation).

The first one is utterly incorrect and possibly without “meaning” all together (however, in the future I will have to perform the act of “rota” kindly see below), the second one is a correct and a perfectly meaningful sentence. “Rota”, “leda” and “på” are actual words with there own meaning. However, in this particular combination they’re nonsensical. “Rota Leda På” does not mean anything and is therefore incorrect.

– Why?

“Rota” means to search w/o plan, scavenge or to ground something (think roots).
“Leda” means either painful boredom, the name of a princess in Greek mythology (the one with the Swan) or lead, like in; Rangers lead the way or lead as in lead the cattle/beasts along a path.
“På” means on, either as in power on or on-top of something else…

“Bon sang!” is French. “Upp och ned” can become uppóchsnèd… Natural languages are +7000 infinitely complex. Three words in the wrong order. Eller så kan du väl bara göra det?

– Det heter faktiskt inte… du brukar nästan aldrig, aldrig ha fel? Men du
säger X men det heter Y.
– Säger jag så?
– Ja.
– Det är… fel! Det heter Egypten (Y) och inte Egyptien (X)… Bless my second love!

Den = a 4-port WI-FI router or an 8-port switch (I have at least three and two).