On The Wall IV

Discarded, thrown away, yet carefully packed. I like the colours and the composition. Not everything ends up on the wall… Undated work, oil on canvas (30x30cm) signed: CHUAN.

Proper Old School!

A freshly brewed cup of coffee (never aged more than an hour or so…) served from a see-through glass pot with the cup on a saucer, the refill is mandatory and should be included (one mind you!), a Semla or Fastlagsbulle – never ever to be eaten before Fettisdagen that occurs in February or early… Continue reading Proper Old School!

Left Behind XV

It always makes me wonder. What happened the instant before someone decided “- I’m not wearing these shoes no more this day/night!”. Did a spare pair exist somewhere or did nature have its causal way? Please see: Left Behind Series.

A Life-Time Spent

I’ve discovered that there may be a discrepancy/misunderstanding in language. So, “Destroying” or a “Dangerous”, “Lethal” hair-cut is a complement and not the opposite. A “frighteningly exact” look is a compliment and not an critique. A “Wicked”, “Rude” or “Bad” sound is a good thing. A genuinely “Disturbed” bassline is a positive thing. This is… Continue reading A Life-Time Spent

It’s Bizarre

Most of the time it is quite practical, then again at times it is just bizarre. And I can’t really get used to it. I’ve been there once; it was in September the 28th, 2019. I still get recognized and greeted like I’m a regular visitor. The reality however is that I’ve been there once… Continue reading It’s Bizarre

The Title Alone?

WELTMACHT DIGITAL and for the record I don’t even speak German? I have no comment. I do believe that I know the ones I call my friends and there’s no way… they’ll know who they be… I have no comment. Weltmacht Digital – Grossmachtphantasie – A.Rother – 2021 IAnd apparently I’m unfriendly? Behaving badly towards… Continue reading The Title Alone?

Left Behind XIV

It always makes me wonder. What happened the instant before someone decided “- I’m not wearing these shoes no more this day/night!”. Did a spare pair exist somewhere or did nature have its causal way? It’s… gone! The incarcerated small sized shoe is no more. Please see: Left Behind Series and specifically; Left Behind III.