Fig 1. Fig 2. Fig 3. Fig 4. Fig 5. Always on the on position That is I and not 0.

Information Wants To Be Free (Not Of Charge)

We’re a non-profit. Only 2% of our readers give, but Wikipedia manages to serve hundreds of millions of people per month. Imagine if everyone gave? We could transform the way knowledge is shared online. Please see: Wikipedia Needs Help!

Serious Speed

Voyager 1 (the space vehicle) is travelling/leaving our solar system at about 60800 km per hour, that is 16 888 meters per second or almost 17 km per second and that is… incredibly, unbelievably fast and yet it is still just 0,0056 % – a fraction of the speed of light, that clocks in at:… Continue reading Serious Speed

Not On The Wall III

It is yet another discarded artefact. Please see: Not On The Wall I and Not On The Wall II or search for “On The Wall”. It is a restoration project – it does need a cleaning, but more interestingly is that someone used this very item not long ago. Why? Because it is functioning and… Continue reading Not On The Wall III

Petri Or Don’t Panic Too [II]?

Julius Richard Petri (May 31, 1852 – December 20, 1921) was a German microbiologist who is generally credited with inventing the device known as the Petri dish, after him, while working as assistant to bacteriologist Robert Koch. Source: Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE, 13/02/2020 13:23:05.