Klarabergsgatan (Klara)

It is very close to Sergels torg in Stockholm, Sweden. * “Klara” means clear as in transparent or non-opaque, it means ready, it is a female name; as in: – Have you seen Klara? And it rhymes with Sara among other things…

Colours II

No comment. Or there is a laser involved. Please see: Continuous Stream.

Categorised as Visual

Night Mood

Night time, night mood…

Categorised as Visual

I Broke The Stick…

Why, oh’ why did I (have that bowl of cappuccino…) do that? I broke the (unbreakable/indestructible) stick? Why did I ever do that?

Not On The Wall XX

Every item in these pictures were all: scavenged, recuperated, formerly disregarded and subsequently thrown away; in an other word trash. 3Com – 3CGSU5 – 3Com Gigabit Switch 5 D-link – DGS-1005D Plexgear – 4 Ports USB3.0 Hub Jabra – SOLEMATE MINI – HFS210 Urbanears – Eathernet cabeles (non-descript) I keep finding more of them and… Continue reading Not On The Wall XX