The Bug

It is not going to disappear, ever… it is eternal music. – So you are a fanatic? – You better believe it. That would be more than 25 years in service. – But why would you ask me that? – What compels you? – I did not aks, you did I?

Categorised as History Tagged

Old School

ANDRA TRYCKNINGEN TRYCKT HOS P.PALMQUISTS AKTIEBOLAG, STOCKHOLM 1920 203311 It is my grandmother’s old school book; EUKLIDES’ FYRA FÖRSTA BÖCKER. I don’t know how she felt about geometry, but I suspect that is was not her favourite subject. Then again I could be completely wrong. We never had time to discuss it and I know… Continue reading Old School

A Gift

I’m not 100% sure, but I do (strongly) believe that it is the largest most comprehensive private collection of Moog synthesizers in Europe, and it may very well be the largest private modular synth collection in the entire World. A private collection of analogue modular synthesizers. Go figure. A peculiar and kind man. Picture? He… Continue reading A Gift

Melankoli Definierad?

Ingen kommentar eller? En liten flicka som tittar ut över havet och betraktar oändligheten, på riktigt och sedan en liten pojke som inte ser någonting överhuvudtaget mer än det som en liten pojke ser. Djupt, djupt koncentrerad med systembygget – pattern recognition; och det är maskinerna, skivorna, musiken, filmerna, konsten, kläderna och/eller sanden? Men titta… Continue reading Melankoli Definierad?