
This is low-level programming, energy efficiency, geometry and Darwin. People (humans) always seem take the shortest route. The gain in this particular location? It must be less than 2 metric meters (I probably could, if I remembered it correctly – use Pythagoras to calculate the distance more precisely)? – What on Earth are you talking… Continue reading Darwin

37 °C + Hands

The title is a reference to temperature*. The previous post was about temperatures and the periodic table that was constructed by several people but is largely attributed to the Russian chemist: Дмитрий Иванович Менделеев, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834 – 1907). How can this be remotely related? Well, you will need to read the previous post:… Continue reading 37 °C + Hands

18000 – 10000 BC

Aesthetics are nothing but convention(s); either they are hard to change or have been the same and will remain so or they’re just recurring? The figurine pictured is at supposedly at least 12000 years old… does its shape not seem somewhat familiar? Kim K. anyone? KONSTENS VÄRLDSHISTORIA,FÖRSTA DELEN GAMLA TIDEN,STOCKHOLM BOKFÖRLAGET NATUR OCH KULTUR,Gregor PaulssonPRINTED… Continue reading 18000 – 10000 BC


It is the 13th of December. Lucia! Vaka… hence the hour.