Like A Revengeful Ghost

Move like a ghost. “Samurai Showdown”? The ******* Wu? RZA? What else is there to say or add? “… like a revengeful ghost and shows great determination tough his head is cut off he should not die.” Ghost Dog – The way of the samurai (the motion picture and sound track). Oh my.

I Am Missing My Boys And Girls!

Mm, it is true though. I miss the girls too! I’m referring to the sacred convent of bass. The sky? It looks like that here in autumn. I have not edited this picture what so ever (what my phone has done? I don’t know and I take no responsibility what-so-ever.). It is marching time.

If I Ask You?

I ask you? Electro (what is it?) and you answer me “Electronic music”. That will not do. That is not an answer. It doesn’t mean anything? Void. It may be an honest response, but it is devoid of meaning. It is upsetting. I don’t know or I don’t care? Genre is not the question. I… Continue reading If I Ask You?

Just To Be Clear

I am the crazy one. I am completly out of control. I scare people. However, I am not wearing a helmet? I am not screaming at my phone? I do not have young children wearing helmets running in the street? And yet, I am the crazy one? I am waiting for my headphones to recharge.… Continue reading Just To Be Clear