If I Ask You?

I ask you? Electro (what is it?) and you answer me “Electronic music”.

That will not do. That is not an answer. It doesn’t mean anything? Void. It may be an honest response, but it is devoid of meaning. It is upsetting. I don’t know or I don’t care?

Genre is not the question. I could have asked about Avishai Cohen Trio. It is jazz?

It worries me though. It is blank. It happens to be electronic music? Well, obviously it is electronic music by definition it is electronic.

That was not my question.

Apart from being the very best music in the World? You don’t have to like it. That is not the point. You do not have do anything, but I will fight you till death if you try to force me to do anything. That is democracy.

That is the idea that I am willing to die for. Arguing about that idea? Never, I can’t believe that I am arguing for democracy? That failure? The failure?