Who Is Stand In?

When Randall can’t play? Who is stand in? Who? Out of everybody playing. DJ STORM No further comment. Please see: DJ Storm, Du Är Död Nu Brursan! and The Vandal.

Always, always D+R & Burnin’ Spear

And many more. Look at the collection… Music First or Sound Is Everything… Confused? Fight Babylon! Collection: discogs.com.

Categorised as Music

Not Just About HK

No comment. We are failing them… democracy now! For everyone on planet Earth. In Xinjiang for the Uygur people (whoever they are). Freedom, that is every human’s right. There’s 1 000 000 or two millions (2 000 000) humans in camps? 2024? I thought we was done with concentrated camps…? Ref.: BBC. Please see: Article… Continue reading Not Just About HK

Proper Jungle

Oh, it was terrible. It was like a jungle. It’s never been like that before but, it was. It was a proper jungle. It was a proper jungle. So… I guess not drum’n’bass then…? Ref.: Neighbours transform 94-year-old’s ‘jungle’ garden; BBC.

A Spectacular Sunset?

…or is it getting hot inhere? One place is Ruidoso, New Mexico, U.S.A another is Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Image courtesy of: Pamela L Bonner Ref.: Villagers ‘scared to death’ by New Mexico wildfires; the BBC.