Fire Upon Them!

Let it rain. Like it was told in the big book. When it rained. They were punished because they attempted to rape angels… and then GOD got upset and punished the wrongdoers and everyone else… It says so in the book? Salt and sulphur rained from the sky. It rained and everyone died. They all… Continue reading Fire Upon Them!

So, Looking For The Future Are You?

“Let’s get future! “That’s UK for you. No, no, no that is overstretch. Young? Music is… the future. I’m not sure I want to hear it. Production is… not good. Is it the future? No doubt (it has already happened). The compression is terrible, the production is not much better… concede. You will be crushed.… Continue reading So, Looking For The Future Are You?

The Plasticity Of A Young Mind/Why Words Are Important

Q: – Do you know what the sentence: “A catastrophic misconception.” means in English? A: – I do (Honestly, I should have stopped/terminated the whole thing right there. It is at least one of the deadly sins right?) Claim: – There is nothing beyond a catastrophe. There is no level that supersedes it and if… Continue reading The Plasticity Of A Young Mind/Why Words Are Important

Helios I

Almighty. Worshipping the Sun makes sense to me. The other stuff? Does not. A man? Any man or woman for that mater, walking this earth and in fact being a God? Honestly? Why would a God have a gender to begin with and if that would be the case surely it would not be male?… Continue reading Helios I

Why Are You?

– Why are you welding the drill rods? I mean why are they not threaded? – It is cheaper. – Why are you constructing a completely new building without a cellar? – It is cheaper. – Why are you? Never mind…