
What? Did you really do that? Why did you do that? Why did you have to say 42? You are/were a child? Saying “42” in a concussions state of mind? The consequences will be immediate. No, there is no smarty-pants way out of this one. You did reply “42”? If you have ever read the… Continue reading 42?

Avskaffa demokratin?

Eh, det kanske inte var den bästa idén. Maybe… it has to do with something else. Conformity of society? Did yoo just abolish our judiciary system? Why would you want to do that? Why? No, do carry on. I, a dark old imbecille? You were young? Wanting to make a carerr… and then a f*****… Continue reading Avskaffa demokratin?

That’s It.

I asked the young one. – “What do think that the question to the answer is?” He smilled and answered “42”? That’s it. I cannot do this anymore. I am done here. My litte one? Destroyed me? BIG confusssion. (I did present the book): – But, have you actually read the book Have you read… Continue reading That’s It.

So Every Girl, Boy, Woman And Man

is (pre-destined) born to be an “entrepreneur”? Everybody inherently want to be famous and in the very bright spotlight? I strongly object to that notion. As I indeed object to the “idea” of eternal life. Heh, are you not bored already? Is there a connection to current religions? Yes, but I’m skipping that part and… Continue reading So Every Girl, Boy, Woman And Man

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