Neo-fascists And Neo-Nazis In The Goverment?

Come on man! What is your obsession with the subject? The answer is: +100 000 000 lives and it will happen again.

If they gain more power I’m the first to die. And it can happen at any time. There is one motivation for you.

You need to understand this. If the Nazis had won the war? I would never have existed. My father would have been killed instantly.

Then, my little sister, my little one and his cousin (that is French by the way) would not be in existence.

Most likely all of my friends would have been killed as well. Basically everyone I know would have been killed.

– Surely you have gone to far this time?

No. It is a historical fact. At least one hundred million people died. Very few of the ones that I know would have survived. My lifespan would most definitely have been extremely short. And no time for the little one to reply “42” to a question. You need to understand this. Never mind me or my persona. Basically, no one you know would exist. And it is not theory, it is a historical fact.

Bla, bla. It has already happened twice in Europe? Do you honestly believe that it could not happen again? Eradication? Twice? Have you heard about Cambodia (they killed everyone wearing glasses, dead again? Millions of people died.)

“Det får aldrig hända igen!” (Never again?) Yeah, right. I simply don’t trust you. Today Burma/Myanmar?

The second world war? Reminder: 100 000 000 or more lost their lives. Not only one but two atom bombs were dropped.

Why did they die? What cause did they die for?

The tired old and dirty men and women? It still seems misdirected to me. Let’s deal with the neo-fascists and neo-Nazis first. And then we can address the other issues. If they indeed are issues to be dealt with? I am not entirely convinced.

Just so I don’t get it wrong. You are willing to start a gender war (sorry if I offend anybody) at the same time that neo-facists occupy the government and young (men) get shot/stabbed every day?

I do know, that I really, really do not want a public tribunal, a mob condemning and chopping of heads left to right? In a civilised, in the civilised world you are/were considered innocent until convicted? Apparently we are going to fuck that basic principle as well?

Incomprehensible? I would want to think so. My grandfather died alongside 100 000 000 others. He fought for France, but he was from Senegal, Dakar. I know for a fact (I don’t think he ever) set foot in Europe. So… what did he fight for? What did my grandfather sacrifice his life for, exactly? An african fighting for “La Patrie”.

Fine. So, not much left of democracy is there?

You can be an adult an a child at the same time?
Regardless if you are in fact responsible and have indeed broken any of the many laws the mob will get to decide your faith?
You can hold one of the most prestigious titles (ambassador) and conduct treachery against you own country?
PRO (Pensionärernas riksorganisation) scammed the state = the people for… money?
Civil servants rob the state/people. Etc.

I guess I answered my inital title?

If my father would have been alive? Now?

Yours truly.