The Last Show?

There is no edit. It is a “none-true” picture. I prefeer the “real” world, Kill the breaks? You are trying to kill the UK-breaks? Sucvsess, picture will be black… Actually I will change it now. You are trying to kill the breaks? Why would you do want to do that? I took a photo and… Continue reading The Last Show?

Tillbaka Igen (II) ?

Är det dem igen? Är det desamma som startade andra världskriget? Är det samma människor som tog min farfars liv? Om så hur är det möjligt? Anti-demokrater? Motståndarna som tycker att våld är en politisk lösning? Alla anti-demokrater gillar ju det, våldet. “Vapenträning”? Det hela är ju mycket imponerande men jag gjorde min “värnplikt” i… Continue reading Tillbaka Igen (II) ?

Categorised as Society

When You Know That You Are Indeed Watching The BBC

A Nile Rodgers* interview on HARDtalk. That is brilliant journalism. Being well-informed and asking relevant questions. And maybe most importantly letting the context of discussion have its place. What is the most important factor a candid discussion? well, it is time. A question will always be shorter than the answer… * Nile Rodgers. It is… Continue reading When You Know That You Are Indeed Watching The BBC

I’m Sorry, But Theology Should Not Be Represented

Not in the Academia. Surely it is a more than qualified person. I extend my congratulations and my deepest and warmest wishes. Holding a chair? There can not be a greater honour. Being one of the 18? However, as stated many times before. Religion (theology is in my mind inherently linked to religion) will and… Continue reading I’m Sorry, But Theology Should Not Be Represented

Vad Ser Det Ut Som?

The question I asked required a simple Yes or No answer. The reply: “What does it look like?”. It is not a Yes/No answer? It is not an answer at all. In fact it is a question. How hard can it be to answer Yes or no? It’s just irrational. And I really don’t like… Continue reading Vad Ser Det Ut Som?

Categorised as Society Tagged

I Am Missing My Boys And Girls!

Mm, it is true though. I miss the girls too! I’m referring to the sacred convent of bass. The sky? It looks like that here in autumn. I have not edited this picture what so ever (what my phone has done? I don’t know and I take no responsibility what-so-ever.). It is marching time.