Vad Ser Det Ut Som?

The question I asked required a simple Yes or No answer.

The reply: “What does it look like?”. It is not a Yes/No answer?

It is not an answer at all. In fact it is a question. How hard can it be to answer Yes or no?

It’s just irrational. And I really don’t like irrationality. I really don’t like it.

There are a few other things that I really don’t like, but this is not the time nor the place.

“‘Det ser ut som’ om du enbart är oförskämd och inte kan svara ja eller nej på en enkel fråga.”

Just answer the damn question.

Picture: it used to be a tennis court. Now? It is a parking lot or something (I did not observe any transportation things.).

There used to be a medow, now? Construction of an entire new block. Previously, I could stroll between the stations, no longer. More apartments that few can afford to live in.