On The Wall I

It is yet another discarded instrument. On The Wall II, Not On The Wall I and Not On The Wall II.

Left Behind

The solitary was most likely dropped a dash hurrying in some direction – but, what about the pairs? It always makes me wonder. What happened the instant before someone decided “- I’m not wearing these shoes no more this day/night!”. Did a spare pair exist somewhere or did nature have its causal way? They do… Continue reading Left Behind

Human Made

A postcard bought in the gift shop of Gaudis’ house (no, not La Sagrada Familia) in Barcelona and it is written in French… ARTICLES DE DISTRACTION PHONOGRAPHES.

Da Fade!

Dedicated to those who know…

Categorised as Visual Tagged

No Flash 1-4 1636021119

1st picture was taken without flash with my camera phone’s forward pointing camera. The location? In my very own kitchen the 2nd of November 2019 at 16:36, without a flash mind you. It is an actual photo. This is what what was captured in natural light by my camera phone. It has not been doctored,… Continue reading No Flash 1-4 1636021119