No. 44 Is Faster!

Come on son! You are the faster one. “K”, I’m truly sorry but this year belongs to the silwer arrows’. And number 44 will take it. Trust me and big hugs.

Helios II

Will disappear again? 58th again? The last rays of sunshine in three months? Just like every other year. I know. I did promise… Digital Dread? What the hell am I supposed to do? “I am talking about you… Come on rude boy, I don’t want to have any of…” The number of times I have… Continue reading Helios II

My CSS Is/Was Broken?

[Solved] HTML is strange. The Internet is stranger. One extra closing bracket < / em> in one post destroyed the whole thing. How is that even possible? I don’t know and no, I did not enter that “extra” and why is the content in the posts connected to the menu and/or framework to begin with?… Continue reading My CSS Is/Was Broken?

So Every Girl, Boy, Woman And Man

is (pre-destined) born to be an “entrepreneur”? Everybody inherently want to be famous and in the very bright spotlight? I strongly object to that notion. As I indeed object to the “idea” of eternal life. Heh, are you not bored already? Is there a connection to current religions? Yes, but I’m skipping that part and… Continue reading So Every Girl, Boy, Woman And Man

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