Mon Père

“If you can’t afford to keep your Rolls’ clean? Then, you can´t really afford to own one?” 2017 equivalent. “If can’t afford to park your car? Then, you can’t really afford to own one?” My father never owned a Rolls’… neither do I for that matter and even if I did I would probably not… Continue reading Mon Père


[Picture was pending 2017-10-31 and added 2017-11-02. NB: This text is based on an actual job application.]. Since everyone seem obsessed with quotes and allegations these days? Given that this is the first page of Riksteaterns press page. I may on own accord have made an error of judgement here? Maybe it has nothing to… Continue reading Riksteatern

No. 44 Is Faster!

Come on son! You are the faster one. “K”, I’m truly sorry but this year belongs to the silwer arrows’. And number 44 will take it. Trust me and big hugs.

Helios II

Will disappear again? 58th again? The last rays of sunshine in three months? Just like every other year. I know. I did promise… Digital Dread? What the hell am I supposed to do? “I am talking about you… Come on rude boy, I don’t want to have any of…” The number of times I have… Continue reading Helios II