Synfelet Och Excesserna?

Men varför alla dessa överdifter? Jag menar att då kanske du behover kanna min far eller om du ar genuint intresserad sa blir det nog nodvandigt. Problemet ar att det gar ju inte langre. Han gick bort for ratt manga ar sedan. 2008 tror jag bestamt att det var.  Inga å, ä eller ö ska… Continue reading Synfelet Och Excesserna?

The “Elvis Presley” Of France Passed

“Johnny Hallyday”, the musician that gets a state funeral and halts everything that is France? A live transmission on television an entire day? Nation-wide grief. I have never seen that before, I have never seen that many people on Place De La Concorde ever apart from 1998 but that was the bicentenary mind you… It… Continue reading The “Elvis Presley” Of France Passed

Tre Kronor?

“Shemagh”, Tre Kronor, Sand. Det är inte bilden (men det visste väl du redan)? Det är en halsduk = palestinasjal och jag har två stycken i olika färger. Va? Kan ni inte heller arabiska? – Men du kan inte ha den på dig ute? – Jo, det kan jag visst det. Jag har gjort min… Continue reading Tre Kronor?

Är du säker?

I mean are you certain? Are you convinced? It is really important. 21 Savage? The fourteens of 2017 know US language better than most. Better than you. Do you really understand the reference: “Ghostface Killers”? Do you know who it is being referenced? Do you know Wu-Tang? I got severally corrected. I misunderstood the reference…… Continue reading Är du säker?

Hold Up!

You are telling me that I can not listen to the music that I like? You are telling me that I can not listen to Fabio and Grooverider? Honestly? That is ridiculous. Why would you want to even attempt to do that? The one thing that a care about. I mean that is simply ridiculous. … Continue reading Hold Up!

C’est Pas Good

HTTP 500 error twice in one month? That is thoroughly un-good.  500 that is = Internal Sever Error = that is bad (hombres). It is not supposed to happen. Running Linux/Unix are you, should be stable. Need to look at the stack(s)? OK, It may be a hardware failure (mm, it happens and they’re a… Continue reading C’est Pas Good

There Is A Reason

No, I have not watched/followed the series “Mr Robot” and there is a perfectly good reason or explanation for it. Basically, it probably will not have a positive effect on my persona. Before it became a word with absolute negative connotation (got to love the 2000’s)… I always referred to it as just that: “själv-censur”… Continue reading There Is A Reason