Wait, Hold Up, Honestly? What Did You Think Would Happen?

“You was much cooler back in the day…”. F & G 2017. For the record that’s more than likely the truth right there. The “model”? Well that would be my absolute pride and joy! And I am not going to comment the apparent triple irony (what the t-shirt actually reads), wait… I may have just… Continue reading Wait, Hold Up, Honestly? What Did You Think Would Happen?

It Was Known In 1997?

This is a totally unexpected scenario! And I do mean completely unexpected. I have quite a vivid imagination, but this surpasses even that. The stupid battery entities prove them selves at last. In a non-related incident. I turned of the main power to my entire flat*. But my (battery-powered and at all times connected device… Continue reading It Was Known In 1997?


The one who is standing alone in the middle of the room on the empty floor is the clown? Right? Disappointed, again. And you are all concerned? Yeah, right, sure you genuinly are… worried. However, the (actual) responsability is still mine. “Dreams”? Come on? I say “Konsum” and that it all happened decades ago. No… Continue reading Sketch


I never read and listen to music at the same time. Never. And I am not breaking that rule at this moment by the way. Why? Is it predicable? Of course it is and you are not, right? Ha ha. But, have you really looked (listened) at the World recently? It is all a part… Continue reading Normally?


Happy New Year! This is resurface.se…

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Happy New Year! This is resurface.se …

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Happy New Year! This is resurface.se …

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