
I saw one proudly worn no longer than yesterday (03/03/19) at the central station about 23.15.

Do I own one? Helas, I don’t but I will eventually do so. Proper respect right there!

For the record this is meant to be a complement.

I think that you’re much to sensible for being hardcore (generation), a complement is nothing but a complement and if I wanted to diss you – then you would know…

The misunderstandings are all ever present and they are totally unnecessary.

Respect the knowledge and relax. In the name of the Lord. Like you and what you’re doing – however, no one can ignore history and that is fact.

Never mind, it is not not at all what happened and it lasted for approximately 15 seconds. I simply like the stance and I love a strong woman with headphones.

I just discovered this track and it is related. Please don’t misunderstand. I like fierce! Last but not least, do not try/attempt to fake the funk…

Tagga ner syrran, det är inte mitt problem. Jag säger bara saker som de är. Tagga ner brosan, därför det är inte mitt problem. Tagga ner, tagga ner, tagga ner, ner, ner, tagga ner. Tagga ner dig själv! Du borde veta mycket bättre… är du efter?

Oh, my… I do have some extensive experience in the field.
© Tagga ner remix – Cleo