La Résistance I – C’est L’Orignacal

It is all about “les mots” and yes, “Orignacal” is an actual French wording – the complexity of all thousands spoken languages in the World is… intimidating.

Orgin||ac o. -al (pl. -aux) m = original III, 2.

ISBN 91-24-20108-1

Printed by Richard Clay Ldt, Bungay, Suffolk

What more can I say? Actually… something more from the UK; LBNHRX to be exact (best kept secret).

Hmm, there’s a reference already written right here (and just about right now I have to admit that I have not written about LBNHRX…) and that in itself is nothing but a mystery.

It may be connected to “reality” and the things that I’m forced to deal with on a daily basis. The so-called “life”.

Yet, this is still the exact moment where the art(s) take command. When contemporary music manifests itself. When it imposes itself upon (My) reality again.

It is: when/then the; ‘buts’, ‘ifs’, and ‘then’s’ ceases to exist.

– Is it really that good? With-out-a-doubt. It is in fact exactly that good.
– Why is that? That would be/is almost four (4) decades of intense listening.

– Will it ever stop? The simple answer is: No, it will never stop and why would ever you want it to? – In all honesty why would you ever pose that question? In what context?

@ Underground Resistance.