[guÿôm], Cacelorazo [Ego Twister – ETW007, 2006]

egotwister_cacelorazoEgo Twister is a French label and some time ago they released the debut album by an artist called [guÿôm]. His punk rock background wouldn’t necessarily be a relevant factor, but given his production I think it is. It’s a high paced frenzy of samples and sampled beats all more or less distorted. Apparently [guÿôm] has been performing live for quite some time while being a part of the “LeCollectif17ans” collective and his album do have many of the characteristics of live performed sampled electronics. The pace and aggression level is high, but the humour is present and is audible. That being said it is all a bit too much tongue in cheek for my personal taste. However, musical originality and individuality should be commended, [guÿôm] and Ego Twister definitely has a lot of both.