I Saw A Drone Today

It was white. It is not the first time and as at the previous occasions I heard it before I actually saw it. That’s a good thing, as long as they make a noise loud enough to be detected; it was stationary mid-air (elevation: 20 – 25 m), I was on foot (elevation: 0 m).

I walked a couple of hundred meters and then it passed me from behind. I could hear fly overhead; but I failed to see it on it’s way to: RTH* – its starting position I suppose.

It’s going to get completely out of hand; the more the merrier linked to mobile device and/or autonomous; recording everything all the time, on rotation and self-charging; a swarm in the sky… 24/7.

Video credit: DJI
Note: The images are frame grabs and not from the event itself.

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