From An Actual One?

This an actual prediction found in a fortune cookie (it is an interesting read; mind you it is from a Wikipedia source. I’m a huge fan and supporter. Yet, it epitomizes the ups and downs of the internet.) from a Chinese restaurant at a nondescript location in Sweden, well, actually the Swedish metropolis Västerås.

Chacun a le droit d’avoir sa propre opinion, mais ne peut exiger que les autrès la partagent.

You may have your own opinion, but don’t expect others to share it.

Jeder hat ein recht auf seine eigene meinung, aber er hat nicht den anspruch, dass andere sie auch tellen müssen.

Iedereen heeft recht op zijn eigen mening, maar hij hoelt te verwchten dat anderen die nok delen.

I ate the cookie, and Helas, I failed to take a photo of it. The name of the establishment? For everyone’s safety in these troubled times I think it best to disclose as little as possible regarding those particular details, due part to the current geo-political situation as inferred above and part to the obvious national security concerns.