Achrid, Achrid [Benbecula – BEN515, 2006]

achridAfter Benbecula’s massive 13 disc Minerals’ series they press on with hectic release schedule. The current and upcoming releases contain regular albums as well as a limited number of releases taken from the Minerals’ series. Achrid is one of those releases, it’s a nine track long album of live and studio takes. Starting off in the realm of glitch and moving through onto droned-out soundscapes. The rhythmic elements are slowly dispersed until only sonic texture remains. Maybe not what would light up your regular party, but why not and in any event that is clearly not what this musical exercise is all about. The minimal composition is at its best in track number 5 entitled “Waffle” the rhythmic structure is more tangible and balanced compared to some of the other tracks where the fascination towards the actual sounds that can be produced seems to take overhand a little. In any event Achrid’s album is an interesting one and a quality release from Benbecula.