AMBit3, Enwrapped [Nature Records – NAT2122MCD, 2003]

ambit3_enwrappedThe opening track “A.M.beat” sets the mood for this mini-album entitled “Enwrapped” its produced by AMBit3 and released by Nature Records. Nature is home to number of celebrated artists among them the illustrious Passarani. “A.M.beat” is a fine tuned piece of melancholic electronic music containing feather light beats, understated yet with a lot of forward movement. There are seven songs in total: “T.S.L”, “Scrape-box”, “Fault-resistant”, “Electromotive” and “Blue Chill” are all examples of quality songs leaning toward understated electro. Wrapping it up with the seventh and last track “Ambientre”. Its beatless sound structures serves as a perfect ending to this nice and accomplished release. AMBit3 are apparently working on a full-length release, which is due this year (2004) and I for one is looking forward to that release.