Wikipedia Needs Help!

I was shocked to realize that it must be less than a thousand of a percent, less than 0,001% (per mille), that has ever contributed to Wikimedias’s mission to make information free to everyone (they say less than 1%, but that cannot be correct, unfortunately).

Honestly, it sickness me to even contemplate the idea that I (personally) have contributed more than any news media outlet, paper or agency have done in the entire the World.

The fact that people are making a living of or is using Wikipedia commercially every single second without contributing a single dime or cent is simply re-vaulting!

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.

We’re a non-profit. Less than 1% of our readers give, but we manage to serve hundreds of millions of people per month. Imagine if everyone gave? We could transform the way knowledge is shared online.

– 200,000+ editors contribute to Wikimedia projects every month

– 47+ million media files on Wikimedia Commons

– 1+ billion unique devices access Wikimedia projects every month

© Wikimedia 2017

The average donation is a reported (we don’t want “fake news”), $15 per 6,1 million donations.

It is a non-profit organization and that makes for an annual budget of roughly $91,5 millions. However, it is one of the top-ten most visited sites of the entire planet and it is “free”.

I’ve donated above the average in the past. Did I do it again? Yes, I recently donated, but below the average this time around.

Simple Q: What is wrong with you people? In reality?