The Subsystem[s]

You want to reach the subsystem(s) – the beneath of the system. Where the “real” menus and choices dwell. The place where you can re-set the entire system; with one selection. It is a thing of beauty!

It looks completely different – just a few rows and vertical navigation. One choice and execute (enter cmd), re-set the whole system – bypass everything. Just don’t make the wrong choice…

The fonts and colour schemes are from another realm; they’re instructions from the coders, and there’s just functionality, there simply is nothing else. It does not resemble anything that the users (are ever supposed to) see.

It is always hidden deep within and you need to search for it hard and it takes time, a lot, a lot of time.

Yet, they’re always there, they must be, and once you find them? The subsystem(s); then you can do anything system-wide…

It is what I do…