I Heard That You Went By…

Sister Ray’s today?

They’re unhappy. Apparently you lot went through the entire shop ending up buying two copies of the same release?

– Hmm, Funckarma? Looking for that release and in London? Playing night? Collecting?
– Two copies? And nothing else?
– Budget*.
– You do understand that these are the last two copies that exists in the entire city? It is a SKAM release?
– Yes.
– Is there anything else in the shop that might interest you Gents?
– Flicked, but we can look again (Unknow Artist? It’s Funcken right? It has to be Funcken? What do you think? It is Funcken. I agree. It is Funcken. I’m buying this. Me too. There are two copies of this release in the shop. That’s crazy. Shy.)
– No, these exact two copies. Nothing else from the store today, we’re afraid. Sorry not today.

That was a very long time ago… yet, I believe that must have been SOHO.

I heard that you went by Sister Ray’s today?

* It was not even in the budget. No records to be obtained during this trip! None. Then, you will buy this now or you will never see this release again. Choose! But, then I can’t afford… choose! The £12,99 that were missing to begin with. That is the damn blasted curse of the collector!