Serge Geyzel, As Fallen Leaves [brokntoys – BT74, 2023]

What an stunningly excellent release on brokntoys – the label that carries a name that oozes correctness!

Serge Geyzel six track As Fallen Leaves is something else and in particular the opening track named as the release. It’s a strong contender for best track the remainder of this year.

There’s nothing I don’t like about this track (Edit 13-10-2023: that’s not entirely true… I don’t like the “programmed/artificial” cuts/scratches actually – apart from that and the fact that the sub-bas counteracts any criticism what so ever, you need to listen to the music in order to comment it properly).

The production is insane; the intro, build-up, the reversed elements at the core of the melody, the breaks, the programming and last but not the bassline are sublime. The forward movement is not to be stopped and the warmth spreads like a late day breeze at the very height of summer.

Actually it can be said of the release in its entirety; Don’t Know What You Are Thinking, Soon Now, Observations, Below The Level Of Uncertainty and (the beatless, short and abruptly ending) Noizette are all exceedingly well-produced tracks – plentiful of references to electronica with heavy emphasis on breaks, bass, lush sounds and strong melodies. Leaving you wanting more!

Executed in different tempo all solidly emersed in the kind of overall melancholic setting that is revered here at Somehow familiar sounding, but decidedly nothing but an unique musical take using classic elements and production in an innovative way.

It goes without saying that As Fallen Leaves by Serge Geyzel on brokntoys comes highly recommended.

Ref.: Serge Geyzel, As Fallen Leaves.
Please see: brokntoys and