Full Break Mid

Why would you ever break in the middle of a crossing? Why would you full break mid?

You would never, ever do that, unless… you are Swedish law enforcement. What?!! Why would you do that!!?

Look at the picture and make your own sound judgement. I don’t even have a drivers’ licence. Full break in the crossing? Are you scared? Yes and no you simply can not drive a motor car.

– Jag måste ha uppsikt och kontrollera situtationen!

In the middle of a crossing? That is full break mid? Mm, I might be wrong but I don’t think so. Have you ever seen something as pathetic, lame or incapacitated? Where are the other cars, bicycles, pedestrians whit or without trollies, where are the senior citizens or the toddlers in this picture?

Wondering about the shootings and bombings? There’s your answer, right there. What the f**k is going on?