My CSS Is/Was Broken?

[Solved] HTML is strange. The Internet is stranger. One extra closing bracket < / em> in one post destroyed the whole thing.

How is that even possible? I don’t know and no, I did not enter that “extra” and why is the content in the posts connected to the menu and/or framework to begin with?

That is… simply put insane. I don’t know and furthermore don’t want to know how that is possible. I am grown up now. Meaning I don’t have to know everything,

So, much for “Everyday, is a holiday.”

I jinxed myself again… “italics” in the menu? It is going to take forever looking at the code.

Maybe I should just look the other way? Like with the neo-fascists in Europe? Then the problem will vanish. Ok, I will do just that.

I say, “SNARK” and you say “WHAT?”. It’s not funny any more.

But why the Hell do you care man? Well I guess, I’m just like that.

Once is once, twice is bad.

I need to take a closer look at all my machines now. It just does not feel right. And I just got my hair cut (by myself). If you happen to like languages… then there’s word play by a person who definitely is not a native speaker (of the mother tongue). That is rather pretentious don’t ya think?

Is it funny? I would not know. I’m f*****’ Swedish as my sister’s son would say. The boy with the surname (that is the correct term right?) that is close to being too much. Aha, spelled like that. I did not even consider it.

No existing uncle in this World could be prouder than I am. “Han sa tja, He’s a freakin’ Swedish…” i södra riket där Frankerna bor? Several months ago. It is still the funniest thing I have heard this year. Honestly? Mm, at 11? Surely, it is on a epic scale.

I say: Mind over… You say: What?

Picture: SoSo actually looks like that in the autumn. A very pretty prison (no offens) if I may say so.