It Just Keeps On Getting Stranger And Stranger…

Detta är ett automatsvar från Polisen. Vi har mottagit ditt e-brev. Brevlådan öppnas under kontorstid varje helgfri måndag till fredag. Om ditt ärende är akut, ring 112 eller uppsök närmaste polisstation.

This is an automatic reply. We have received your e-mail. This mailbox will be opened during office hours every weekday, Monday to Friday.

In emergency, call 112 or visit the nearest police station.

But, as I recall it I applied for a position. The above is the actual reply. No, I’m not making things up… it is the actual response.

“…In [case of an] emergency, [please] call 112 or visit the nearest police station.”

I might just do that or maybe I’ll sign up for the next jovial uniformed flag waving demonstration?