The Title Alone?

WELTMACHT DIGITAL and for the record I don’t even speak German? I have no comment. I do believe that I know the ones I call my friends and there’s no way… they’ll know who they be… I have no comment. Weltmacht Digital – Grossmachtphantasie – A.Rother – 2021 IAnd apparently I’m unfriendly? Behaving badly towards… Continue reading The Title Alone?

Pretend It Doesn’t Matter

Good Luck with all of that. I am just saying what I have always been saying. This is what matters: Crushed. Period. (.). That is the culture. Bass culture. That’s 2 (two) bagged and in the bag for you and me. 2021 is going to be a stellar year! Like any other, trust me. –… Continue reading Pretend It Doesn’t Matter

Oj Oj, [Oi Oi], Nu Är Det Kört För Oss!

Mmm, Cause & Effect nu är det ta mig fan kört för oss… det är slutstationen för oss. – Jo, ja men vi skulle ju av här? – Nja, jag tror inte det. Lyssnat ett tag. Silicon Scally Cause & Effect? Rätt säker. Kört för oss och så. Slipper inte undan den här gången. Ingen… Continue reading Oj Oj, [Oi Oi], Nu Är Det Kört För Oss!

Fingers In The Air

Har du någonsin haft fingrarna i luften? Någonsin? Vad?!!! = Have you ever had your fingers in the air? Ever? What?!!! Ja, men har du det eller (inte)? Bass Culture. Foreverness. Drum’n’Bass. When you are overwhelmed by emotion+ You are supposed to be “in control”, but you are from that and you feel free. You… Continue reading Fingers In The Air

Left Behind XIV

It always makes me wonder. What happened the instant before someone decided “- I’m not wearing these shoes no more this day/night!”. Did a spare pair exist somewhere or did nature have its causal way? It’s… gone! The incarcerated small sized shoe is no more. Please see: Left Behind Series and specifically; Left Behind III.

Left Behind XIII

It always makes me wonder. What happened the instant before someone decided “- I’m not wearing these shoes no more this day/night!”. Did a spare pair exist somewhere or did nature have its causal way? First spotted; the pair wasn’t a pair at all. One of the shoes were located on an overpass some hundred… Continue reading Left Behind XIII

Remarkable Decision

A 124 year old company (name) vanished. The company logotype is hereby sort of saved for posterity, but it will be taken down sooner or later. Please see: Total Annihilation.