Where They Moved II

This is their new home no 15 Where They Moved I they used to be housed in this one at no 26: Béton Brut.

Unused Space

Decorating unused spaces says something about ambition/plan for public places. This is a part of an underpass – an unused space. Warm in summer and cold in winter.

Where They Moved I

This is their new home no 15 they used to be housed in this one at no 26: Béton Brut.

Moving Parts

The actual lift machinery. I’ve never personally seen them in action before. It is what you never get to see on-top of any lift; they’re constantly revolving/moving in either direction. They are the machines lifting the cabin (that you’re standing in) either up or down at speed (in this case +-26 floors). I was surprised… Continue reading Moving Parts

Béton Brut, It’s Not

Concrete is naturally grey, but does that entail or guarantee any trace of Béton Brut? One of the two building constellations pictured above is most definitely not. What about proportion and scale? The public’s expert opinion seems to be that the thing that matters is that they (everything and anything built) should resemble/mimic the surrounding… Continue reading Béton Brut, It’s Not


Gång- och cykelbana avstängd Hänvisning för omledning finns 170m bakåt Pedestrian and bicycle path closed Reference for diversion is 170m back