Light is hope! – Msg II

Photographer © Light Art by Gerry Hofstetter / Foto Gabriel Perren Filename Beleuchtung-25.-Maerz-2020-Danke-Schweiz-deine-Solidaritaet-gibt-Hoffnung.jpg Filesize 5304px x 7952px (4.82 MB) MIME-Type image/jpeg Source: Illumination of the Matterhorn.

Signs II

Direction – the glove fell from the coat hanger and landed on the hall floor exactly in that position (I promise.). Discarded solitaires – salvaged one-by-one, each everyone of them. On the move – on the other side of the ocean. The slippers’ feet are located to the east on the opposite side of the… Continue reading Signs II

Light is hope! – Msg I

Photographer: © Light Art by Gerry Hofstetter / Foto: Zermatt Tourismus Filename: Beleuchtung-24.-Maerz-2020-Licht-ist-Hoffnung.jpg Filesize: 5509px x 3768px (2.18 MB) MIME-Type: image/jpeg Source: Illumination of the Matterhorn.


Fig 1. Fig 2. Fig 3. Fig 4. Fig 5. Fig 6. Fig 7. Analogue stuff and absolute build quality. Analogue history (it used to be or has always been the preferred; brand.). They’re size 10. Size 5 and they’re not mine. Lights at the place where I dwell. The Little Black Bear – no,… Continue reading Hardware

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