Du Rullar I Hastighet Nedför Götgatsbacken Utan Bromsar

Du tar krönet i fart och sen kommer du på… ingen broms. 25 meter nedför? Det är rätt brant men det hade normalt sett inte varit ett problem… med eller utan bromsar, så blir det bli problem vid övergångsstället. Det är 25 meter kvar till övergångsstället? Cyklar vi in i: pankomaten, väggen eller ska vi… Continue reading Du Rullar I Hastighet Nedför Götgatsbacken Utan Bromsar

Le Petit

That would be my son… my pride and joy! Bless him. And if my father would have been alive. The pride. The first three: I, II and III. That’s the little one; fo’ su’. dem’ damn beats and stuff… You would say that? Mm, true, but I would say that regardless.


The day immediately before today; one day ago. Today is the child of yesterday and the parent of tomorrow. Df. Dictionary.com. No comment. It was a long time ago or another day. Eller… exakt hur gullig kan man va? Jag menar… titta pa bilden.

Var Du På Profylaxen Eller?

Jag var där… med andningsövningarna och nervositeten. “- Are you sure? (at 3 AM)” “- YES, I AM SURE, MY WATER JUST BROKE…” She was very angry… at the time. Angry beautiful.

Categorised as History Tagged

Yo Mama

Decided that it was going to be your name. Opposed? No, not at all I named you accordingly. The day you were born? 17 July 2003. It was the hottest recorded and strangest day ever… “- Are you sure? (at 3 AM)” “- YES, I AM SURE, MY WATER JUST BROKE…” She was angry then… Continue reading Yo Mama

What Generation Are You?

NEXUS 6 – What is that? – That is our sun, Helios viewed from afar. – What about all the other dots in the image? – They are either other stars or galaxies. – What is a galaxy? – A galaxy is a very large collection of stars (100 – 400 billion)… our galaxy is… Continue reading What Generation Are You?

It Was Bound To Happen

…sooner or later. Recurring events have always shaped the history of mankind and that is what pattern recognition is all about. The sticker didn’t have anything what so ever to do with current pandemic originally because it was printed long before the outbreak. It measures: 55 x 40 mm (measured with ruler).

Categorised as History Tagged