Helios II

Will disappear again? 58th again? The last rays of sunshine in three months? Just like every other year. I know. I did promise… Digital Dread? What the hell am I supposed to do? “I am talking about you… Come on rude boy, I don’t want to have any of…” The number of times I have… Continue reading Helios II

My CSS Is/Was Broken?

[Solved] HTML is strange. The Internet is stranger. One extra closing bracket < / em> in one post destroyed the whole thing. How is that even possible? I don’t know and no, I did not enter that “extra” and why is the content in the posts connected to the menu and/or framework to begin with?… Continue reading My CSS Is/Was Broken?

So Every Girl, Boy, Woman And Man

is (pre-destined) born to be an “entrepreneur”? Everybody inherently want to be famous and in the very bright spotlight? I strongly object to that notion. As I indeed object to the “idea” of eternal life. Heh, are you not bored already? Is there a connection to current religions? Yes, but I’m skipping that part and… Continue reading So Every Girl, Boy, Woman And Man

Categorised as Society Tagged


Firstly: this is literally a work in progress and no I do not have empirical evidence to support any of my claims (yet). Secondly: if Mark Fisher had not taken the disastrous decision (he took his own life… a completely unacceptable behaviour that actually f***** me up even more, as if that was indeed possible.… Continue reading Acceleration


It’s just… I would like to wake the “neighbourhood” up, I would like to rearrange things by simply applying bass. I woulsd like to… I am not going to. It would upset le jeune homme och det vill jag ju inte. “It makes me stop breathing…”. Musically? It’s… non-descript, forward moving always, if you want… Continue reading Fab&Groove