You Say

You say Digital* and I say how loud? * Men det borde du väl ha fattat vid det här laget? – Jo, man kan ju tycka det. It just never going to end. The breaks are as satisfying/interesting as they were when I heard them the first time a very long time ago.

In My Castle

I’m all alone in my castle (by choice it would seem). I was planning to play one thing (the “Digital Synthesis” compilation one more time) but I ended up listening to another thing altogether. A different thing, it is another of many personal favourites I might add. Why is that? And what is so special… Continue reading In My Castle


Oh my lord. It is a work of art. The rewind from heaven and the angels shed their tears. You need to understand how hard it is to perform it. In cue and to perfection. It is a specialist thing. The rewind. It is brilliant! Eternally so and it will remain for ever. Ms Moon… Continue reading Rewind


Last/lost transmission (mm, yes, that is the “flat line” depicted.). There will be sceptics of course (I may be involved in that very scepticism…), however the circumstances were different this time around and the consequences turned out to be catastrophic. I did pursue it till the end as per usual. However, I was unable to… Continue reading 17.11.17

This Is How I Wear Them

This is how I wear my leather gloves (2017). Why? This is how my father wore his leather gloves (1960), in fact these are actually my fathers’ leather gloves (they’re not from the 60’s though). It is pure aesthetics, turned up at the end and tight around the knuckles. Is it practical? No, not at… Continue reading This Is How I Wear Them


Txt? Maybe. One second. The uniform suggest one (1) an American soldier among an all British contingent… The clip is one second long., exactly 1 (one) second long: 01:03:37 – 01:03:08.* It is featured in the critically acclaimed movie “Wonder Woman”. It has been praised for being groundbreaking in many aspects and especially in terms of… Continue reading Perspective

That Is Not What Happened

“Utkörning till mottagare” translates to: “Delivery to recipient” that is the service that the sender ordered and I being the receiving customer subsequently paid for. However, I’m quite sure that I don’t live in the local convenient store and therefore the recipients’ address can’t be mine either. This is not the first time it happens… Continue reading That Is Not What Happened