I Broke The Stick…

Why, oh’ why did I (have that bowl of cappuccino…) do that? I broke the (unbreakable/indestructible) stick? Why did I ever do that?

Not On The Wall XX

Every item in these pictures were all: scavenged, recuperated, formerly disregarded and subsequently thrown away; in an other word trash. 3Com – 3CGSU5 – 3Com Gigabit Switch 5 D-link – DGS-1005D Plexgear – 4 Ports USB3.0 Hub Jabra – SOLEMATE MINI – HFS210 Urbanears – Eathernet cabeles (non-descript) I keep finding more of them and… Continue reading Not On The Wall XX

Troika = Tройка

There’s nothing more important/powerful in existence: apart, possibly from the defining principle itself – that would naturally be the case in all functional democracies – the freedom to believe in whatever you want.

Categorised as Society

Pram Ramp

Shiny, shiny, shiny as you would expect in this part of town.

Left Behind XXI

It always makes me wonder. What happened the instant before someone decided “- I’m not wearing these shoes no more this day/night!”. Did a spare pair exist somewhere or did nature have its causal way? Please see: Left Behind Series.


Someone completely unknown (a random person) asked me: Do you ride? Can I put this sticker on your bike? This was the sticker… Princess Yu or simply Princess.

A Strange Day

Misery Regularity Surprisingly Dancinly Robbery (Almostly) Internetly Bicyclely Homely (At Lastely)

Categorised as Society